Today, we need to be very careful with not politically correct words!
It all started around 1970 by trying to have “respectful behavior” through means of using words or behaviors that would not offend any group of people.
This concept grew rapidly, and by 1975, it was about respecting individuals and challenging oppressive behavior and structural policies created in our society.
Many companies, organizations, and schools began using what is known as Cultural Diversity Training to sensitize people to the various prejudices and injustices facing different groups of people.
This training has helped ensure everyone is included and respected, resulting in a more equitable society.
The general argument is to use non-offensive words when it comes to race, gender, beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, or because of disabilities, or anything that makes a group of people different from the norm.
To do this, it is important to research the language used to discuss any of these topics, as the use of outdated language or offensive terms may still be used in everyday conversation. This research should also include understanding the sensitive history and issues that surround any group you may be discussing.
If you feel unsure about the best term to use, you can always ask someone who belongs to a group what terms they feel most comfortable with.
It is important to acknowledge that language around these issues tends to change over time, so it is important to stay up to date with current terms and beliefs.
BTW what’s the norm today?

Why is politically correct a joke?
Let me show you a few examples of the stupidity it became to:
- Mortgage is not correct 🙂 It comes from the French words Mort (death) and gage (guaranty or grip) or death grip 🙂 Since the 2008 home lending crisis… you know what I mean… the good version is home lending.
- Management is NOT correct… really OMG! In the 1560s, in Italy, “maneggiare” (management) meant “to control a horse.” Ya, management means controlling horses (you). I learned from someone who specialized in correctness 🙂
- Fundamental(ism) – references any form of belief that obliges obedience to beliefs (fascism, communism, orthodoxies, etc.) But “fundamental” means “related to the anus,” which is very offensive to many people!
- Some offensive now considers LGBT as it’s not inclusive of questioning, intersex, pansexual, asexual, omnisexual, queer… Some came up with L.G.B.T.Q.Q.I.P.2S.A.A” ( Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Pansexual, 2-Spirited, Asexual and Allies) but what about forgetting genderqueer, gender fluid, gender-less, gynesexual, bigender, transsexual, transvestite, transitioning, agender, poly gender, androgynous, androsexual, pangender, omnisexual, omnigender, demisexual, skoliosexual, third gender and boydyke?
- Straight for cisgender/heterosexual may mean that others are not straight or are crooked… so it very insulting to others.
- Born a man or born a woman is also incorrect as it simplifies the question. The correct language is to use assigned or designated at birth. Like if nature had nothing to do with it 🙂 see my post about gender neutrality.
- Display of Christianity is becoming another point of tension as some may feel offended by it. Often the request comes from well-intended people and not from other religions believers.
- Exotic carries nasty racial bases and often seen by well-educated people as a significant verbal micro-aggression. Your Exotic Agua Fresca drink has to change to Fresh Water drink 🙂
I worked for a large American company, and all management had to go through correctness training. I got kicked out of the session as it started all wrong:
- Good morning, I am Joe, manager of the IT department
- Good morning, where are you from?
- Downtown Chicago and you?
- No, no, I meant where were you born?
Ya, I do have an accent, I was born in Belgium and raised in France, thus the question which is not considered politically correct at all.
The trainer started the program by asking members of minorities to stand up – minorities, including race, religion, ethnic groups, LGBT, etc.
As I am from mixed race, I rose – immediately assaulted by the trainer “Look at that white dude trying to insert himself into a minority group” – Sir, I’ll ask you to leave immediately. Glad to do so 🙂
What happened next was said to me as I wasn’t in the room anymore. One of my staff rose and asked, “What is wrong with you? My boss is half-Belgian and half-Brazilian. White Brazilians are not considered white Caucasian. He may look white, but he is not.”
The trainer is now infuriated and asked him to leave the room for creating chaos. The rest of my teams left immediately after, and others followed. Only a few stayed for the training.
A politically correct class that turned into a circus as the trainer was not standing by what he preached 🙂
Another event where political correctness became very weird.
We had a small business event with lunch provided – the caterer offered Jamaican rice and beans, and many were looking to it until… a lady almost yelled: “this cultural appropriation is totally unacceptable.”
She explained loudly that cultural misappropriation is the choosing of components of a culture by people of another culture. It is very hurtful when a dominant culture steals from a disadvantaged minority. We should all feel ashamed if we ate that rice dish.
When a dominant culture borrows from a minority culture, it is important to understand that while they are celebrating the beauty of a culture, it can take away its power.
We should all be cognizant of how we are representing different cultures and the impact our actions can have on potentially vulnerable members of that culture.
Additionally, we should all work together to ensure that all cultures are respected and appreciated equally.
We all looked at each other, confused, wondering what to do. Personally, I was a bit shocked and ate bread instead of a beautiful dish.
We had to intervene as the lady asked officially not to use this caterer, who is Jamaican, for the cause of insulting the Jamaican culture.
Not sure where it is going, but it is becoming a joke as people get “offended” for others. Others are offended by everything that the best is to keep our mouths shut and skip rice and beans dishes 🙁
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