The Ketogenic diet (or keto diet or low-carb diet) is a reduced carbohydrate, high-fat diet that gives several health and wellness benefits.
Here is my keto facts for beginners and how to reach successfully and safely a keto state. This is a simple process that works for everyone, it’s a keto guide for dummies, with keto guidelines for women, men. In fact, it’s for anyone even it is a keto guide for beginners!
But remember, if you have any health concerns, TALK TO A MEDICAL DOCTOR!
Ketogenic diet
Keto facts:
- Several research studies show that this diet can aid you reduce weight and also improve your health
- Ketogenic diets might also have advantages against diabetic issues, cancer cells, epilepsy, and also Alzheimer’s condition
- Keto might help improve sleep, moods, sugar cravings, even pooping (I know gross, but it’s true), etc.
I always say might, may, would, could as I am not a medical doctor specialized in Keto diet 🙂 Always consult a medical specialist prior to starting any diet and have a blood panel done every 3 months.
Keto Facts for Beginners
The ketogenic diet is a very reduced carb, high-fat diet that shares many common concepts with the Atkins and low-carbohydrate diets.
It involves substantially decreasing carbohydrate consumption and changing it with fat. This decrease in carbs places your body into a metabolic state called ketosis.
Your body becomes exceptionally effective at burning fat for energy when Keto takes place. Meaning, it uses fat instead of carbs, thus no longer storing fat for reserve of energy.
The liver transforms the fat right into ketones, which can provide power for the brain.
Ketogenic diets can cause significant decreases in blood glucose and insulin levels. This, together with the raised ketones, has some health and wellness advantages.
Always remember to evaluate your daily caloric needs and try to eat less than needed .
Why is that important? If your average need is 2,000 calories and your intake is 3,000 your body will save 1,000 for later use – on a true ketogenic diet with 70% fat, that’s: 1,000 * 70% / 9 (9 calories per gram of fat) = 78g of fat added to your body. If this is daily… 2.3Kg or 5lbs added plus all the nasty other cholesterol effects.
Now if your intake is lower… your body won’t beg for food, it will self-serve in the fat reserve.
Different ketogenic diets
There are several variations of the ketogenic diet:
- Standard ketogenic diet (SKD): This is a very low carbohydrate, less healthy proteins, and high-fat diet. It typically consists of 70% fat, 20% protein, but only 10% carbs.
- Intermittent ketogenic diet (CKD): This diet entails durations of greater carbs, such as 5 ketogenic days complied with by 2 high carbohydrate days.
- Targeted ketogenic diet (TKD): This diet enables you to add carbs around workouts.
- High protein ketogenic diet: This resembles a basic ketogenic diet, yet consists of much more healthy protein. The ratio is commonly 60% fat, 35% healthy protein, as well as 5% carbs.
- Vegan Keto Det (VKD): A diet that is a very low-carbohydrate diet and forbids the intake of animal products.
Intermittent or targeted ketogenic diet are advanced techniques and also largely used by athletes or bodybuilders and will be not be included in this keto guide for dummies. Personally, I do not like fasting. It adds stress, but I know many who enjoy it.
My post is mainly about the common ketogenic diet (SKD), although most of the concepts apply to the other variations.
What is ketosis?
Ketosis is a metabolic state in which our body uses fat for gas as opposed to carbs.
It occurs when you significantly decrease your usage of carbs, restricting your body’s supply of glucose (sugar), which is the primary source of power for the cells.
Following a ketogenic diet is one of the most reliable method to enter ketosis. Usually, this includes limiting carb intake to about 20 to 50 grams daily – we started at 20 g per day for weight loss, then when we were happy with our weight, we gradually switched to 50g a day. Do not fall for pills to push your body into ketosis. These can be dangerous even though many keto guidelines for women recommend it.
It is important to regulate your protein consumption. Why? Because your body would convert protein into sugar if eaten in high amounts. This may slow your change into ketosis and increase your blood sugar levels.
Exercising recurring fasting help too going into ketosis faster. There are various types of intermittent fasting, however one of the most common technique involves limiting food consumption to around 8 hours per day then fasting for the continuing to be 16 hrs – that one is NOT easy. Imagine eating from 7am to 3pm then no food until the next morning!
How do you know you’re in ketosis?
There are many tests kits to look at blood, breath, and pee. They measure the amount of ketones produced by your body.
Amazon has many of these Keto Tests from $8 to more techy blood tester for $60 and above – the $8 one’s work quite well. One sign I am in ketosis is the smell of my urine, very different and quite strong.
Keto facts for beginners: Other indicators and symptoms might also indicate that you have actually gone into ketosis, including thirst, completely dry mouth, constant urination, and also reduced cravings or hunger.
Keto Guide 12 Week
First of all, I read in a famous keto guide for beginners that you can go step by step. It’s not correct, you need to go cold turkey. It’s what many do and think about it, your body running on carbs while you consume extra fat… what does your body will do with it? Yes, store it. NOT A GOOD IDEA.
Second, humans are omnivorous – not carnivorous, not herbivorous. Our body needs many amino-acids, minerals and other macronutrients to function correctly. Our body uses 20 amino-acids, 9 of them are not synthesised thus need to be consumed like Histidine found in dairy or meat and Valine which is not found in meats. Lacking these amino-acids will cause health issues in the long run. A woman was condemned for killing her dog by forcing the pet to a vegan diet. Dogs are like us omnivorous.
The only realistic solution is to have a balanced diet composed of 70% fat, 20% protein, and 10% carbs. Easy to do, right?
Well, yes, and no. Let’s start:
- Weeks 1 and 2 – do not change your diet. But try to figure out how many calories you need per day. It is important as if you eat more than you need. Your body will “save” the leftovers where you don’t want it. Do not base it on a standard number like 2,000 calories a day. It depends on your weight, your speed and the terrain – this page give you a good idea: Calories burned walking – our one-hour daily walk burns me (180lbs) 134 cal while my wife burns (130lbs) 97 cal.
A smart watch can help to figure out your daily calory needs. Many $20 ones work as well as a $150 one. Remember to look at your daily needs, not just an average:In the above example, using an average would not meet my goals.
- Weeks 3 and 4 – do not change your diet. But start planning your calories intake and your meals. Go through recipes vs. day of the week. Why is it important? My Mondays are tough and I don’t think I have to energy to cook when I’m back home. Sundays are quiet, so light meals are a must.
Do you cook? Now you’ll be 🙂 Do you eat at your desk? Now you’ll be. Let’s see why.
A famous chain restaurant has a great lunch Oriental Grilled Chicken Salad with Oriental Vinaigrette, very nice but 1311 calories per serving, you can’t afford it and I’m not even talking about the 47g of carbs 😱😱😱 The bagel you always enjoy at your desk… 56g of carbs vs. the 20g you can have.
The only solution is homemade, so you are in control. - Weeks 5 and 6 – time to run with it. You have a plan.
These 2 weeks are critical as you’ll go through the infamous keto flu which is a set of symptoms that may appear two to seven days after you start a keto diet: fatigue, headache, lack of energy, nausea, sleeping issues, and constipation. These are just some symptoms of this “flu”, which is not recognized by doctors, thus they can’t really help. In our case, I started the day after my lovely wife a week later. Remember, we are all different!
During this phase, DRINK WATER and ELECTOLYTES! (see our Keto Tropical Electrolyte Drink below) - Weeks 7 to 12 – You should be in ketosis and see the results. Weight loss of about 2 lbs a week, but it can be very different. I lost 2 lbs a week while my wife lost 0.75lb only. All simple and easy, right?
NOPE! now you are welcomed in the cravings side effect. You know all the comfort snacks and treats you enjoyed when nothing is peachy. Well, these are a big no-no while on Keto.
In my case it was CHOCOLATE (still is) – my favorite one, Milk Chocolate Bar with Minis, awesome to nibble on one when work stress is high. The manufacturer discloses “There are 150 calories and 16.00g of Sugars in one serving (1/4 bar (28 g))“. When do you limit yourself to 1/4 of a bar? NEVER – so the comforting treat costs you 64g of sugar when your daily limit is 20g.
No, cravings are not your body begging for pizza (1 medium pizza slice: 162g of carbs), your brain is and that not an easy one to re-educate.
You need to find alternative solutions. In my keto store, you’ll find lots of anti-cravings products that my wife and I use. These work very well to tame the monster.
Water… Drink a lot of water, but with limits – we focus on 8oz eight times a day. Without entering technical stuff too much, keto cause the need for more hydration and electrolytes – we like our Keto Tropical Electrolyte Drink. Easy to make: ½ cup Coconut Water, 0.5 tbsp Maple Flavored Syrup, 1 tbsp Lime Juice – Fresh, ⅛ teaspoon Sea Salt, ½ cup Water. Mix all ingredient together, make sure they all dissolve and mix well.
This was my easy Keto Guide 12 Week.
Ketogenic diet plans can aid you reduce weight
Thirteen studies showed that complying with an extremely low-carb, ketogenic diet was more effective for long-lasting weight-loss than a low-fat diet. People that followed the keto diet shed about 2 more pounds than the teams that adhered to a very strict low-fat diet for the same week.
What the studies showed is even more interesting, Keto dieters saw a significant reduction in diastolic high blood pressure and also much lower triglyceride levels.
The study showed that during the 8 weeks’ trial, candidates 35 and older lost five times more weight that the low-fat candidates of the same age group!
The increased ketones, reduced blood sugar, as well as enhanced insulin sensitivity may also play a vital role.
A ketogenic diet can aid you in shedding somewhat more weight than a low-fat diet. This frequently occurs with much less appetite, potentially due to the influence of fat intake on weight loss outcomes in a ketogenic diet.
Ketogenic diets for diabetic issues and prediabetes
Diabetic issues are characterized by adjustments in metabolism, high blood glucose, and damaged insulin production.
One study stated that the ketogenic diet boosted insulin level of sensitivity by a gigantic 75%.
A small study in ladies with type 2 diabetic issues likewise found that complying with a ketogenic diet for 90 days significantly reduced degrees of hemoglobin A1C, which is a procedure of long-term blood glucose reduction.
Another research in 349 individuals with type 2 diabetes found that those who adhered to a ketogenic diet lost approximately 26.2 pounds over a 2-year duration and had manageable and well reduced diabetic problems and reduced need for blood sugar medications.
The ketogenic diet can improve insulin sensitivity and also cause fat loss, causing substantial health advantages for individuals with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes (that was my case and I’m no longer prediabetic).
Other wellness advantages of keto
The ketogenic diet was used back in the 1920s as a tool for treating neurological conditions such as epilepsy.
Studies have now revealed that the diet can have advantages for an array of various health conditions:
- Cardiovascular disease. The ketogenic diet can assist boost threat elements like body fat, HDL good cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and also blood sugar.
- Cancer cells. The diet is currently being explored as an added therapy for cancer cells, because it might assist slow down lump growth – I learned recently that cancer cells feed on carbs.
- Alzheimer’s illness. The keto diet might aid reduce signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s illness as well as slow its progression.
- Epilepsy. Research has revealed that the ketogenic diet can cause significant decreases in seizures in epileptic children.
- Parkinson’s condition. Although even more research is needed, one research study discovered that the diet helped improve signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
- Polycystic ovary disorder. The ketogenic diet can help in reducing insulin, which may play an essential role in polycystic ovary disorder.
- Brain injuries. Some research suggests that the diet can raise results of terrible brain injuries.
Remember, these studies need more researches to be 100% confirmed. I feel that there is no actual intention to have more researches done.
A ketogenic diet may give several health and wellness benefits, specifically with metabolic, neurological, or insulin-related conditions.
In our cases we noticed the following:
- Definitive long lasting weight loss
- Reduced LDL, increased HDL
- Feeling sharper, quicker thinking
- No more waking up with headaches
- No 3pm sugar crashes
- No feeling tired until it’s bed time
- Sleeping like rocks – really!
- Lots of energy to spend, it’s really wowing 🙂
- Less cold, less migraine and much less allergies – I went from 23 pills a day in allergy seasons to 2 a week.
- etc.
Keto facts for beginners: Foods to prevent
Any food that is high in carbohydrates is to be limited to removed from your diet. Here is a quick list:
- Sweets food and drinks:
- soft drink –> up to 39.5g of carbs per 12oz can
- fruit juice –> up to 34g of carbs per 10oz Orange Juice
- shakes –>up to 29g of carbs per 8oz
- cake –> up to 50g of carbs per cup
- ice cream –> up to 50g of carbs per 1/2 cup
- candy –> up to 75g of carbs per serving
- Beer –> up to 30g of carbs per 12oz can
- etc.
- starches or grains: wheat-based items, rice, pasta, cereal
- breads… I know TOUGH
- fruit: all fruit, except little portions of berries like strawberries –> up to 42g of carbs per cup
- beans: peas, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas
- starchy veggies: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips
- slim or diet items: salad dressings, worse, low-fat mayonnaise up to 5g per tbsp, while the regular one has 1 g only!
- some sauces or condiments: barbecue sauce, honey mustard, teriyaki sauce, ketchup
- undesirable fats: processed veggie oils, margarine, etc.
- alcohol: beer, red wine, alcohol, mixed drinks
- sugar-free diet foods: sugar-free candies, syrups, desserts, sugar, desserts… i.e. sugar free cereals have 40g of carbs plus 10g of fibers while to not sugar free ones have 25g of carbs and 20g of fibers!
- Stay clear of carb-based foods like grains, sugars, vegetables, rice, potatoes, sweet, juice, and also most fruits.
- Cut included sugar from your diet – ya like the 2 packs we add to our tea or coffee…
Keto facts for beginners: Foods to consume
You will want to focus most of your meals around these foods:
- meat: red meat, steak, pork, sausage, poultry, bacon – yum bacon :), and also turkey – try to pick free range, unprocessed etc.
- fatty fish: salmon, trout, tuna, and mackerel – if possible, wild harvested not farmed
- eggs: free range and organic
- butter, cream: grass-fed butter, ghee and unprocessed cream
- cheese: unrefined cheeses like cheddar, goat, blue, or mozzarella
- nuts and also seeds: almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, etc.
- healthy and balanced oils: virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil
- avocados: entire avocados or newly made guacamole
- reduced carb veggies: green veggies, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc. Mostly above the ground veggies are much lower in carb
- condiments: salt, pepper, herbs, as well as spices
The big problem for many people failing keto is that they try to avoid cooking, and that’s a mistake. Most prepared (processed food) contain much more cards than home made.
Eating out becomes a bit more complicated, but it’s easy to pick the right menu: Salmon with Brusse; sprouts works well, Steak with a huge double baked potato is bad 🙂

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