Someone asked me to review the Custom Keto Plan by CustomKetoDiet and here we are.
Custom Keto Plan in details
First, it starts with a video you can watch – I do recommend it even if you already decided to go keto. The author of that video is NOT a scientist, a medical doctor or an expert nutritionist. Rachel Roberts is a Texan mother who comes up with great points.
Simple things like:
- The nutrition industry is broken – mostly all about money
- 71% or young adult are overweight – nope you say… unfortunately, it’s true, read this Healthline article: “over 7 in 10 millennials will be obese by the time they reach middle age”. Obesity starts with being overweight.
- Fitness gurus are wrong – True, we worked with a few and we lost… NOTHING, just money!
- We make many diet mistakes and that’s the cause of little to no weight loss. We felt “it’s always, pay more, get a personal trainer…”
- The big mistake is not being in a calory deficit … eating 4,000 calories and burning 2,000 doesn’t make you lose weight and it’s true for any diet! For example, one hour of elliptical, moderate effort cost 365 calories ONLY see the Mayo Clinic article.
- Severe calories deprivation can be harmful and we regain weight as soon as the diet stops. We tried one and lost 20lbs in weeks (yay). We gained all of it back in weeks too, while being careful. She has great comments about starving your body…
- Etc…
Rachel based her says on 43 studies starting back in 1967 by J Clin Invest and as recent as 2021.
Why does this Custom Keto Plan Work?

We were is dedicated to losing weight and getting healthy. Our diet only allowed food such as tilapia, asparagus, and chicken!
Results were significant, but food boredom kicked in quickly.
Just keep in mind that dieting is already hard. We can’t make it harder for ourselves with unnecessary restrictions. We did and reached a mental “screw it” after a few weeks and were back to where we started 🙁 – just having the guru bills over $1,500!
First, we are all different, have different genetics, different habits and goals. Some are vegetarians, vegans or carnivores or even omnivorous like my wife and I. Why one diet type far all? Why not a custom plan for each individual? That’s what Rachel came up with!
Why Keto and not low-fat?
- Keto significantly increases fat burning – by lowering insulin levels, which benefits your health but also significantly boosts fat burning.
- It’s simple and easy to follow. The keto diet is simple to follow. Think about it, what’s not to enjoy about losing fat while eating like bacon, eggs, cheese, and steak? Compared to tilapia, asparagus and broccoli?
- Hunger cravings fading quick. Diets that keep you hungry do not work – we tried. Hunger is irresistible, it always defeats willpower. Been there, done that. With Keto, we feel full quicker for a longer time.
- You do not need to workout like crazy to lose fat on the ketogenic diet. Yet, while on keto, you get more energy so you become more active. It’s simply true and our experience.
- etc… check Rachel’s Keto Plan video here.
My Custom Keto Plan Verdict
- Really customized to you
- 8 weeks plan easy to follow
- Very healthy meals with shopping lists
- Scientifically Proven
- Money back guaranteed (in case)
- Great Ratings from 1,000s of users
- Not for those who can’t take action
- Not for those who are unwilling to follow instructions
- Not for those not interested in using science-based dieting strategies
- Not for those who dream of a magic pill
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