Many ask which Keto Pills do I recommend – well, I will not recommend any Keto Diet Pills or any supplements.
I recommend you eat Keto and follow a low-carb diet while keeping your diet balanced. Keto is the only way to go if you care about your health and weight. Many people are concerned with how ketosis will affect their hormone levels, but research has found that keto diets have many positive effects on hormones that lead to weight loss and better overall health when correctly applied.
What do Keto pills do?
Some Keto supplements provide your body with ketones from outside your body. These are referred to as exogenous ketones. Those making the pills use molecules to raise the ketone level in your blood thus “induce” ketosis.
The elevation in ketone levels in your blood is claimed to assist the shift to ketosis without needing to follow the strict diet.
Exogenous ketones are also believed to reduce appetite, which sounds attractive to those that want to lose weight quicker.
Do these tablets function as said?
Keto pills are not the keto diet! Taking these may prevent you from achieving your objectives.
With the ketogenic diet, you aren’t simply switching out one type of food for one more! You’re assisting your body to go into a new metabolic state. Ketone supplements without reducing keto diet sugar intake can impact how the body breaks down foods to power itself.
Study has revealed that too much exogenous ketones in the blood make the liver stop its own production.
The body is a perfect machine, as it receives feedback and, to prevent the blood from being too acidic, stops ketone production if levels are high. Taking external synthetic ketones is not smart, is it?
Keto pills may look like a terrific shortcut. However, a reliable and terrific diet doesn’t have shortcuts. It comes healthier meals made with authentic food.
Therefore, it is essential to take keto slowly, allowing your body to adjust.
Are keto pills safe?
One thing to remember is any supplements come with side effects. This is true for any Keto pills.
First, these problems/effects can turn up quickly. Unfortunately, they may not show up for months or even years.
The good and bad news is that there is no serious researches on keto pills side effects – we do not know if there are any significant health dangers or adverse effects.
Yet, most keto pills are usually made of ketones and salt as a bonding agent. Those with high blood pressure and need to maintain their salt intake in check should check with a medical doctor before taking keto pills.
Another don’t forget 🙂 keto pills and supplements are not regulated! Meaning anyone can say anything about their efficiency and there are too many products for the FDA to track.
Practically, any supplement can/will come unanticipated risks. Be sure to talk with your doctor before taking any pills, don’t just rely on what the vendor/manufacturer/Youtube says.
Example of Famous Diet Pills: BHB
Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a chemical that is made by the body. It provides energy when not enough carbohydrates or sugars have been eaten.
As per WebMD
BHB is made by our body but it’s “easy” to make in the lab and taken as a supplement.
It’s said to help the brain, nerves and to provide energy to muscles to improve workout endurance.
The fun part is that BHB is used many things like dry eye 🙂 physical performance, headache/migraine, Alzheimer, Parkinson, and other health issues. YET there is no serious scientific evidence to verify the efficiency of these uses.
Keto pills based on BHB are taken by mouth and are possibly safe (note the word possibly) when a single dose of 380 mg/kg is taken.
When larger doses are taken, some might have stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, and stomach pain. But and again, there is not much reliable data to confirm if BHB is safe when more pills are taken.
Avoid to use if pregnant or breast-feeding as there isn’t much information to understand if BHB is safe to the baby! In one word STAY AWAY.
The best keto weight loss pills – being sarcastic
The best keto pills have the best reviews, right? Well, let’s start by looking at a few of them. I use Fakespot with Amazon; it helps avoid scams and fake reviews.
Here is a great Keto BHB product with over 20,000 reviews and 4-stars with 15% negative reviews. According to Fakespot:

So only 17.5% of the 20,000 reviews are real…
I picked a sponsored listing and the results are much better for best keto pills for weight loss. Of 121 reviews, none (zero) are real. Look at a few of them:

Another one? I love this one as the same review shows up on 22 different keto pills Amazon listings – different vendors too 🙂

How is it possible? You still can purchase product reviews and frequently asked questions. Here is an offer I found for $120 – that’s 12 cents per review… They even manage to set them as verified purchase for a small additional fee!

Read this NPR article about some Reviews Are Too Good To Be Believed. They’re Paid For. Excellent article!
Keto Supplements frequently asked questions articles or blogs
I found some 5,000 articles promoting “honest” FAQ and reviews of ketosis products (pills, supplements, etc.) The top 10 I checked are affiliates articles – you buy the page owner receives a commission (% of what you paid) as in the picture below – 75%.

Would I write articles about all the great benefits of an unproven product for 75% of the sale price? Never! In this particular case, the product cost $69.99. That would be $52.49 for each sale! Tempting, even many big news websites do it… Imagine referring 1,000 buyers at over $50 per?
I have affiliates links, but for books (mostly Keto cookbooks) we read and use and for Keto treats we also use to combat cravings – NEVER for supplements!
As a footnote, the income generated by these links goes to:
We donate monthly the income to a Children’s Homeless Shelter (my lovely wife’s desire), a Veterans’ Homeless Shelter (I am a wounded Veteran).
See my about me page for more details
Quick FAQ from readers
Can you lose weight just taking keto pills?
No, going in ketosis is making your body use ketone instead of glucose as fuel. Pills can’t do that, only a balanced diet can – read here.
How much weight can you lose in a month on keto pills?
Nothing and you might put yourself at risk if your body runs on carbs, then it could cause an overload of ketones present in your blood leading to ketoacidosis – read more about it.
Does keto tablets really work?
No, but it could help if you consume less than 30g of daily carbs and your liver doesn’t produce enough ketones, but in this case, consult a medical doctor immediately.
What is the most effective keto diet pill?
I don’t think there are any. Some might be even worse than others. Just be very careful!
What is in the supplements?
- Exogenous ketones (from BHB or extracted from raspberries) your liver produces these
- Ketone salts: sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium – these are found in food (I’ll write a post about those)
- MCT Oil is found naturally in foods like coconut and palm kernel oils and full-fat dairy products. Read here – no need to buy supplements if your diet is balanced.
- One very IMPORTANT: BioPerine® which is a trade name for piperine 🙂 a black pepper extract… Read here. No need to spend money…
- etc.
To Conclude
Going Keto is not buying pills and shedding weight quickly, it’s a lifestyle close to the one our grandparents had.
These “supplements” can be extremely dangerous and lead to ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a severe, life-threatening complication, mostly affecting Type 1 diabetics.
Don’t rely on reviews and articles to make your decision. Consult a medical doctor. One who is pro ketosis, not one who is pro-medications – read my post here.
Keto is:
- Eating less carb (20-50g a day), some healthy protein and fat
- Having balanced meals. Not going extremes like carnivore or herbivore (raw vegan). Remember, human beings are omnivores!
- Intake fewer calories than you spend. If you consume 3,000 calories a day then only watch TV and sleep – 70 calories per hour of TV and 69 per hour of sleeping, for a total around 1,600 burnt calories. The difference, or 1,400, will be stored as fat 🙂
Accidental Overdose on Diet Pills
This video shows a guy who accidentally took too many diet pills, not keto ones, but still. Watch before considering buying these.
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