Go Keto is not that difficult. Cut the carbs to 20g a day and done, right? But many fail, drop out, and return to old habits.
When I say old habits, it’s exactly what it is. Imagine, I live in the Midwest where “meat and potatoes” is a staple. When you are raised on starchy food, quitting is tough, if not impossible.
The worse and most difficult are sweets… been there, done that.
Zero carbs is impossible unless you go on a protein shake diet, but it’s not reasonable and your body needs a minimum carb to function, Same as zero fat diet, impossible and a dangerous diet as your body needs a minimum fat to build cells’ walls.
Going keto is a lifestyle change which includes
- Watch what you eat – read nutrition labels
- Cut craving with substitute – Check some here
- Light exercise to make sure your energy spent is higher than your intake.

The cookie on the left has 49g of net carbs (59g – 10g fiber) including 25g of sugar. The other one has 24g of net carbs… imagine eating two of these as a snack, delicious but you can’t go keto with these 🙁
Let’s go keto!
I had been struggling with my weight for years, trying every diet out there, Vegan, Vegetarian, low fat, no fat, and some brand names I paid a lot for. I had recently heard about the keto diet and was intrigued. I did my research and gave it a try.
The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. This means that you have to drastically reduce your intake of carbohydrates, which are found in many foods, including bread, pasta, rice, fruit, sweets, including CHOCOLATE. How much Sugar on Keto? The keto diet is very restrictive, and it can be difficult to stick to. However, there are many benefits to following a keto diet, including weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and reduced inflammation.
In order to stay in ketosis, your body has to burn fat for energy instead of sugar (glucose) coming from carbohydrates.
In two words, the Ketogenic diet is “eat fat to burn fat”… sounds weird, but it works, let’s go keto
The diet was hard to stick to and restrictive. I was always craving for sweets, pasta, pizza and what not. I felt fatigue, was nauseous and had trouble concentrating, but then I realized it was the infamous keto flu. Not fun, but drinking lots of water with electrolytes (easy homemade recipe) helped, and the flu went away in days.

There are a few reasons why it’s difficult to go keto.
The first is that going keto can be a big change in your diet and you may not be used to eating so few carbs – cravings, cravings!!!!
Second, you may not be able to find enough good keto recipes that you love – check my recipe section, lots of delicious easy to make keto recipes (excellent cookbook) with easy to find ingredients not like the “Kashi go keto dark cocoa cereal”. Check out my keto recipes, all tested by me 🙂
Third, going keto may require you to make some changes in your lifestyle, such as cutting out sugar and processed foods. Finally, going keto may require you to exercise more, since keto requires you to eat fewer carbs and calories.

Authentic story and review
This is a story and keto go reviews from a woman who was overweight, tried many diets that didn’t work and finally found the one that worked for her.
Maries Statement:
I was always overweight. I tried to diet and lose weight, but I never succeeded. And then one day, I found the Keto diet that works for me. There are many options available. You just have to find the one that works for you. I lost 30 pounds in 2 months and I felt great. But I’m not at the weight I want to be.I am trying to lose 10 pounds, but it is great going and I don’t know what else I would have done without Keto.
I started by cutting out carbs and eating only protein-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts and seeds, and some vegetables. The first few days were hard, but soon enough, I felt better than ever before. My energy levels were high throughout the day and my mood improved too!
Marie J.
When you go keto, it’s not easy at first, true. I’m in since 2 years and my chocolate cravings didn’t go away. We found alternatives, low carb that do a good job.
The ketogenic diet is not an easy diet, mainly because of cravings, but if you change your lifestyle, it becomes quite an interesting adventure that keeps you healthy while losing weight. One last comment about what I saw on social media “keto-to go” doesn’t exist, there is no pay to see your extra pounds gone.
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